The Strata Hub is an online digital platform created by the NSW Government, designed to make it easier for people who build, own, live, or work in strata to get the information they need about a strata building.
By providing better transparency, accountability, and regulation of all strata schemes in NSW, the Strata Hub will also help ensure strata schemes are well managed.
What will the new Strata Hub include?
As a central point for strata schemes to report key information each year, the Strata Hub will include:
- contact details for the strata managing agent
- contact details for the strata committee Secretary and Chairperson
- a range of education resources and information to support strata communities
- access to fire inspection reports
- details on how environmentally friendly a building is
- access to the digitised Strata Building Bond & Inspection Scheme (SBBIS) for newly constructed strata developments to identify and fix early building defects.
By what date will you need to upload your strata information to the Strata Hub?
Strata owners and strata managing agents will be able to register with the Strata Hub from 30th June 2022, with the initial report for all strata buildings in NSW required to be submitted by 31st December 2022.
At the moment, the NSW Government is considering extending the initial reporting period – Fresh Strata will update all of our clients if and when this happens.
Is it compulsory to upload your strata information to the Strata Hub?
Yes, all strata schemes in NSW are legally required to upload their strata information to the Strata Hub. An initial penalty of $220 applies if your strata information is not uploaded by 31st December 2022 – or the new extended due date, if applicable.
There is also a legal obligation to upload correct information and update information already provided within 28 days after the secretary or managing agent becomes aware of it and these requirements will be enforced by fines of up to $2,200.
How often does your strata information need to be updated in the Strata Hub?
After you have uploaded your initial Strata Hub report before 31st December 2022, you will need to update your strata plan details to the Strata Hub EVERY calendar year, within three months of your AGM being held.
Is there a cost to the Owners Corporation?
An administration fee of $3 per lot will be charged by NSW Fair Trading, this fee will also be applicable to any utility lots and subdivision lots within the scheme as well as residential and commercial lots. GST will not apply to this $3 fee.
There will be an initial fee payable to your strata manager for facilitating the collation and upload of this data by 31st December and an ongoing Admin fee for annual updates.
What strata information do you need to upload to the Strata Hub?
The information required to be uploaded onto the Strata Hub will include key information for each strata building, including but not limited to:
- Strata Plan number
- Strata Plan address
- Number of lots
- Strata classification i.e. residential, commercial or mixed use
- Contact details of your strata committee (Chairperson and Secretary)Contact details of your strata managing agent (if applicable)
- Contact details of your building manager (if applicable)
- Date of your most recent annual general meeting (AGM)
- Cash balance held within your capital works fund (updated annually)
- Due date for annual fire certification
- NABERS rating
- Date of occupation certificates
- Insurance replacement value
How will the security and privacy of your data be managed?
Your strata scheme information held on the Strata Hub will have robust privacy and security measures in place, including user verification.
There will be four levels of access to information on the Strata Hub:
Level One – The general public
Level Two – All strata owners and tenants who are registered on your strata roll
Level Three – Your Local Council and the NSW Fire Brigade
Level Four – NSW Police, SES and Ambulance emergency services.
This table below details what information is provided to different levels of user access, as well as what information needs to be updated and uploaded annually.
What do I need to do now?
As a Fresh Strata customer your Strata Committee will shortly be receiving further information explaining how we can assist our customers by updating the strata hub on behalf of your Owners Corporation.
Got further questions? Get in touch with your Fresh Strata manager today.